Dr. Jos De Vogelaer, M.D. is a physician, specialized and recognized in (neuro-)psychiatry since 1984 and recognized as a psychiatrist since 2004*. He is also a psychotherapist, training analyst and member of the Belgian School for Jungian Psychoanalysis and of the I.A.A.P. (International Association for Analytical Psychology), training analyst and supervisor of the Flemish Society of Psychoanalytic Therapists (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Psychoanalytische Therapie : V.V.P.T.), and a classical homeopath, member of the Unio Homeopathica Belgica, the Flemish Study Society for Unitary Homeopathic Medicine (Vlaamse Studievereniging voor Unitaire Homeopathische Geneeskunde : V.S.U.).
(*after a law amendment in 2004 that regrouped neuropsychiatrists in terms of psychiatrists, neurologists and neuropsychiatrists)
During and after his training as a (neuro-)psychiatrist he also trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst with special interest in Kleinian viewpoints, in psychoanalytic baby-observation following Esther Bick, as a psychoanalytic and systemic (family- & relationship-) psychotherapist, and as a classical homeopath, see below.
- Intensive postgraduate training in psychotherapy, organized and certified by the Catholic University of Leuven : 1978-1980: Behaviour psychotherapy (Prof. em. Dr. R. Pierloot, M.D., Psychiatrist) 1984-1986: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy (Prof. em. Dr. S. Verhaest, M.D., Psychiatrist) 1985-1988: Systemic (family-, relations- and systems-) psychotherapy (Prof. em. Dr. P. Igodt, M.D., Psychiatrist)
- Intensive complementary professional training, organized and certified by professional associations: 1980-1986: Freudian psychoanalysis (with the late Dr. F. Geerts, M.D., Psychiatrist, member of the Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis) 1984-1986: Relaxation therapy and Hypnotherapy (with VATHYP, the Association for Autogenic Therapy and Hypnotherapy, predecessor of the actual association VHYP, the Association for Hypnotherapy) 1997-2002: Jungian-Kleinian psychoanalysis (with Dr. M. Graulus, M.D., Psychiatrist, honorary member of the Belgian School for Jungian Psychoanalysis, http://www.bsjp.be ) 1997-2002: Classical Homeopathy (with the Association for the Study of Unicist Homeopathy, http://www.vsuhomeopathie.be ) (with Dr. A. Watillon, M.D., Psychiatrist, member of the Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis, and the Association Belge pour l’Observation du bébé selon la méthode d’ Esther Bick). 2003-2005: Training in psychoanalytic baby-observation following the method of Esther Bick